Sunday, January 22, 2012

Awful Sweet To Be a Little Butterfly

Don't Do Sadness/Blue Wind; Spring Awakening

     Spring Awakening is the most beautiful, most incredible, most chilling musical I have ever seen. The story takes place in the late 19th century in Germany, as teenagers discover themselves and their sexuality. Don't Do Sadness/Blue Wind is my favorite song from the musical, though every song is almost equally amazing. I decided to pick a musical theatre song today, because I realized that it would be wrong for me to have a blog about music and not include one being the avid theatre guy that I am. Let's talk theatre, shall we?
     When I was younger, I used to have a little cassette player that had a microphone so I could record myself singing. I loved that thing. I sang my own little songs and loved music even then. I decided that since I loved singing, and since I was a piece of work, musical theatre would be just splendid for me. Since then, I have been a devout triple threat. One of my first musicals that I was in was when I was 6 or 7 years old, and played Jaq in Cinderella. My debut performance was far from my last, and I like to think that ever since then I have contributed to the musical theatre world in a beautiful way.
     Anyway, I think one of the reasons that theatre is so exciting to me, is that I get to become somebody new. I love preparing for parts, and getting to imagine how my role would act, feel, or present themselves. It's always really exciting getting to delve into this world where suddenly I feel that I am living some one else's life. Being able to portray those emotions that your character feels is the hardest part, but the feeling of actually feeling those emotions, not just doing them, is so thrilling. Then there's that need to constantly be on stage. To most it is terrifying, but to me it's infectious. I love having the lights staring down on me, and the way the stage turns into my habitat.
     Being a theatre junky is hard work, but also incredibily fun. Let me tell you the pluses to being in this crazy community. 1) We are all crazy. I mean that 100%. If you ever meet some one into theatre that is bland and "normal," then they either suck at acting, or when they get comfortable with the other junkies they explode. But really, I mean that. 2) Mostly everything you say or do is a theatre reference somehow. Now most would think that gets annoying, but oh no, it's SO fun. It's like making mean girls references with your friends, only better! 3) There is always drama. Imagine drama kids not being dramatic, it just doesn't make sense. Drama most often times is annoying or bad, but we feed on it. Most would say we are attention whores.... most are completely correct. The only downside I can see in being in this incredible community is having to constantly keep track of shows and know songs, and if you're too slow, you basically disgrace the community. This all isn't sounding enticing to you is it?
     Musical theatre is a huge part in my life. From the first step on stage to the last bow, I become my character, and suddenly I am not just Sam Balka.

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