Thursday, January 5, 2012

Love and Some Verses; Iron and Wine

Listen to the whole song, I highly recommend it!
Love and Some Verses; Iron and Wine

Love is a dress that you made
long to hide your knees
love to say this to your face,
"I'll love you only"
for your days and excitement,
what will you keep for to wear?
someday drawing you different,
may I be weaved in your hair?

Love and some verses you hear
say what you can't say
love to say this in your ear,
"I'll love you that way"
from your changing contentments,
what will you choose for to share?
someday drawing you different,
may I be weaved in your hair?

     Today is the first day that I will be posting on this extremely whimsical blog about music, their meanings, and life's meanings. I decided that for my first song I would do one of my favorite songs; Love and Some Verses by Iron and Wine. It's a beautiful song written about the girl the lead vocalist loves and how her quirks only strengthen his love for her. The acoustics, the harmonies, and the lyrics really make this song unique and relaxing. When you listen to a song there's a certain quality about it that can put a smile on your face. This is easily one of those songs.
     One of the things I treasure in life is the ability to express myself in any way, shape, or form. I myself express myself through music, clothes, and movement. These are some of the most important and treasured things in my life. There is a part of the song where it says, "what will you choose for to share? someday drawing you different. . ." This girl he’s enamored with enjoys expressing herself and doing things to keep people on their toes (similar to myself). Sam Beam, the incredible singer of Iron and Wine, says no matter what way his girl makes herself, it'll be who she is and who he loves. I believe that one of the keys to life is happiness, so why let anyone stop you from possessing that key.
     There's something about Iron and Wine that feels like a drug to me. An anonymous reviewer on said it perfectly, "The soft voice paints a picture of a gentle love that is rarely encountered." Any ballot that they sing will remind anyone of a different memory or a different love. Music so often paints the picture of love in the classically romantic way, where all is perfect and all is cliché. This song paints love in a bit less of a cliché way though. Yes, their love is romantic and sweet, but they're unique and full of life. In my opinion, quirks are better than perfections. Perfect doesn’t exist in the real world, and when I look at couples that seem perfect, I know that they usually are far from it. But when I see a couple who is quirky, not only do they seem more happy together, but they most likely last awhile (if not forever). Quirks just mean you have something distinctive about you and if you know how to use those quirks right, you have something amazing going for you.
     Maybe I'll write about another Iron and Wine song over the course of the next couple weeks, tell me what you think! Music can say what you can't, so let it.


1 comment:

  1. First of all, I'm really excited that you used some of the bands and songs I showed you. You did a really good job wrirint about the songs and how they make you feel.
    I like the last line of this one... very inspiring :)
    Good job! Have a nice day!
